I fall asleep at night dreaming about my morning ritual, that single perfect black cup of coffee. Sunday mornings allow for a slower drip method using a French vintage enamelware “cafetiere” or coffee pot. There are three separate layers with small holes in each for the water to slowly filter through the coffee grinds, creating a really flavorful brew. Vintage French enamelware cafetieres can be found on Etsy and at flea markets or eBay. Do you have your own morning coffee ritual?
I adore the messiness and texture of these photos — I can almost smell the coffee beans through the screen. No matter how rushed I am to get out of the house, I always find myself craving something slower and more reflective. An attempt at this: Ever since December, I’ve had a ritual of writing in a 5 Minute Journal: http://www.fiveminutejournal.com/. I think adding a coffee would make this much more reflective than hurried. Love this post, thanks for the reminder of the significance and meaning of such a small daily ritual!
I love this idea – a great addition to the morning ritual 🙂
Beautiful post and photos. For me it is about my morning and afternoon “cuppa” tea. I especially look forward to the afternoon ritual as the day transitions into evening and I can put my feet up and enjoy the perfect cup. As the water heats in the kettle, I measure out just the right amount of loose tea into the pot and after pouring the water, wait until I can settle in and enjoy. It’s something I look forward to every day whether I am by myself or with a friend. It’s often a time when I re-collect myself and take the time to quiet my mind. Truly one of life’s simplest pleasures. Your post celebrates that!
Afternoon tea like the English. Secretly, I’ve always been jealous of you tea drinkers for having the perfect beverage to calm the nerves. An afternoon coffee has quite the opposite effect 🙂