There are messages in life that return, again and again, to remind us of their validity – a deja vu of sorts. I came upon one the other day in my children’s book shelves. When our two youngest boys were in 1st and 3rd grade, we took them to Washington DC. It was one of those magical family trips filled with adventure and exploration (not to mention great food.) Benjamin, the youngest, has a thing for gift shops. He used to collect mini nail clippers from each one. On this particular trip, his favorite keepsake was a small metal bear on a key chain. “Washington DC” was inscribed across the bear’s belly. As soon as we got home, he dropped the bear on the kitchen tile floor and his arm fell off. We couldn’t repair him and Ben was so sad. I propped his one-armed bear in a seated position and glued him to his own mini-chair. The next morning at breakfast, he sat next to Ben with this note:
I am the same bear,
even with only one arm.
You are the same Ben,
even with a broken heart.
Love conquers all!
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