Winter’s First Frost © Yvonne Cornell 2013
Botanical Inspiration Day #5: Frosted Chinese Fringetree Leaf
Winter’s first frost is a signal to go inside . . . to go inside ourselves and within our families in a “hibernation cave” to nurture a dormant period. The quick translation for this century — create an afternoon or a weekend over the holiday season to “turn off” modern visual and verbal distractions. Hibernation is not anti-social; it’s imperative for regenerating the energy necessary for authentic living. It’s this unique adaptation of nature that allows many animals to survive during the severe winter conditions. Our “civilized” man-made conditions have a severity of their own. Give yourself a break and try a little hibernation with your family this season.

Hibernation on Instagram
Does staying in bed count as hibernation?
Without a doubt! 🙂