Streetcombing is a legitimate verb, but don’t try to find it or the noun, streetcomber, in the dictionary. No matter . . . I found a streetcomber extraordinaire in the Netherlands!
Margo Weijer has her roots in textile design, and spent the last 10 years styling for magazines and interior design. Last year, Margo hit a wall. The creative juices weren’t flowing like before, and she started running to clear her thoughts, and that led to seeing, which led to gathering up found objects like twigs, paper, rubbish and discarded belongings. The combination of gathering and arranging these items of no material value reconnected Margo to her purpose and energy. As with most of the artists whom inspire me, there’s a yearning to fill the soul with purpose and an understanding for the world. We are as fragile and transient as that which we find and that which we create. Embracing the knowledge of how gentle our footprint can be if we choose to make it so, helps us find our right place.
Her work inspired others to contribute to a crowd sourced “StreetCombing” facebook page. What did I tell you!? Streetcombers can be found worldwide, so tell that to Merriam-Webster and Thesaurus. Margo Maria Weijer has been featured here for her streetcombing artistry. Plus she has a web shop for hosiery here (amazing styling and photography by Margo herself.)

brittle no 3 © Margo Maria Weijer 2012

shy © Margo Maria Weijer 2012

brittle no 2 © Margo Maria Weijer 2012

Pastels © Margo Maria Weijer 2013

© Margo Maria Weijer 2013

wooly © Margo Maria Weijer 2012

x-mas collar © Margo Maria Weijer 2012

Collage © Margo Maria Weijer 2012
This is stunning! Thanks for sharing, I have never seen anything like this before.
Thank you Maria! It’s a creative approach indeed to see how artful and repurposed our discarded possessions can become in clever hands.