I have quite possibly found a long lost brother, very nearly so! You already know by now that I run and hike to gather, and so does Francis Ooi, a creative director and amateur photographer living in Singapore near a nature preserve. It all started with a need to put some art on the walls of his empty living space, so he looked around while on runs near his home and realized there was plenty of art surrounding him every day . . . living art for his living space. He began to take his camera, slow down the pace, and follow the breadcrumbs. He collects and photographs these crazy exotic botanical specimens which are native to his local trails. Some are as large as basketballs with scientific names like “Nypa Fruticans” — lucky for us, Francis calls them like he sees them — “asteroid” or “shower head.” I was ecstatic when I stumbled upon Francis Ooi and his sublime work. Simple, honest and straight forward beauty, found and foraged. It’s out there – you just have to listen where you look. Or just as sweet, gather up a few right here.
All photos courtesy of Francis Ooi

Lipstick © Francis Ooi 2011

Showerhead © Francis Ooi 2012

Asteroid © Francis Ooi 2012
LOVE Francis’ work! What symmetry to yours! Yes…most definitely a long lost brother. 🙂