In the fall of 2011, Anthropologie constructed a series of breathtaking nationwide window displays using dried gourds hung from cords wrapped in colorful yarns and fabric. The trick to creating these lightweight cords was taping several corks together to form a single thick rounded cord. Within a few weeks of the Palo Alto, California store’s installation, a car crashed into the store’s exterior wall, damaging the stucco wall and the newly hung gourds. The entire display had to be removed to allow for repair and reconstruction of the wall. I happened to catch a quick snapshot of the vividly colored display mere days before it was damaged, and recycled the image as a backdrop for a family portrait of our four boys (eldest to youngest) entitled “Family Gourds.”

Anthropologie Gourds © Yvonne Cornell, 2011

Family Gourds © Yvonne Cornell, 2011
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