I do… I really do believe a dream can grow.
Nature does not question if the seeds will pop out from their pods with nurture. Dreams can do the same.
The season to forage for chestnuts is late October through November at Skyline Chestnuts, a gather-your-own orchard in La Honda, California in the Santa Cruz Mountains. This 20-acre orchard is blanketed in the morning fog at around 2,500 feet off Skyline Boulevard, above Palo Alto and maintained by the Johsens family on the Midpeninsula Open Space District lands. They provide the gloves and buckets, and you bring your team of gathering kinfolk. Collect all you desire in a big white plastic bucket, and then weigh in to pay by the pound. Be careful — the spiny protective pods can catch tender fingers by surprise! Roasting pans are sold on site to complete your Currier and Ives painting of roasting delicacies over an open fire. The season is short — plan ahead so you don’t miss this unique opportunity to gather up autumn’s brown nuggets from century-old trees.

Believe © Yvonne Cornell, 2012
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