You've probably noticed my food posts have become sparse. The reason? I cracked my ribs. Yes, this is a thing. Ugh. I got a bad cough, one of those deep doozies that sticks around for a looong time. And now, the smallest of repetitive actions like leaning over to chop, slice and dice are not good. Ouch. At first, I did what I usually do. Deny, deny, deny and tough it out. Finally, I developed a ... continue reading...

An Autumn Rib Crackin’ Chili

how we gather
Do you find it difficult, sometimes, to see your Thanksgiving for the food that obscures the view? Norman Rockwell’s famous 1943 painting entitled Freedom from Want features a huge roasted turkey beautifully displayed on a platter in the center of the image. However, it’s not the turkey that makes this timeless image so captivating. It’s the faces of people engaging with one another that truly ... continue reading...

Kaffir Lime & Wasabi Fish Cakes
Are you trying to add beneficial omega-3 fatty acids into your diet? Have your cake and eat it too. Wild salmon and trout are classified as oily fish which contain high amounts of omega-3. Wasabi paste is an important anti-inflammatory agent to help eliminate inflammation of joints and muscles. Combine the two and you've got one power-packed patty cake. Kaffir Lime & Wasabi Fish ... continue reading...